with Varney
Materials: Resin & Aluminum
On with a touch, off with a click. Blob is a haptic night-time companion. Comprised of a resin-printed shell, cork inlaid bottom, and soft LED lights to compliment any atmosphere.

What guided you when designing Blob?
Varney: I wanted to determine how to make a shape that seemed fluid, yet stood still and that guided me in a lot of ways. Setting limitations and trying to understand how I can break them.
What was the biggest challenge that you faced?
V: I think the scale of it challenged me the most. Making something that small that has to be so precise. Every single thing had to be really dialed in by the time you get to the final project, especially when it comes to something that's white and shows every blemish.
In what ways would you like to further improve your project?
V: I think the unique, organic shape that I've made could be produced in many ways and explored in a lot of ways. Maybe adding color, different shapes, scale, having fun with it because at the end of the day, that's really all that it's about.
What are you most proud of from this project?
V: Originally I wasn't expecting to have two blobs. It kind of became more than one entity, which is something that I think my previous self would have been pretty happy about. But understanding the limitations and size of my project and then maximizing them to make the best product possible.